The undergraduate (UG) calendar of events for the coming academic year 2023-24 has been released by the Karnataka State Higher Education Council (KSHEC). This academic calendar is applicable to all universities, as well as the aided and the unaided colleges which are functioning under the Department of Higher Education, stated a report in The New Indian Express.
The KSHEC has declared that the calendar must be implemented by all the colleges and universities, to be effective immediately, only excluding the technical education institutions.
According to the order, "The National Education Policy mandates that classes and examinations be held on time and results declared for students. Apart from this, scholarship programmes are being implemented by various departments and the government should issue an educational schedule to suit the students as it has to be utilised by them."
The calendar released by the council mentions that July 15, Saturday, would be the last day for the admissions to take place in all the colleges. The semester classes will start from July 17, Monday, and the semester should end by November 18, Saturday.
The council has also mandated that the examinations should start from November 20, Monday. The second-semester classes will begin from Tuesday, January 16, 2024 and will end on Saturday, May 11, 2024. The examination for this semester will be held from May 13, 2024 Monday onwards. May 16, 2024 to June 26, 2024 will be for vacations, exams, evaluation and results.