Kalaghatagi Congress nominee Santosh Lad | (Pic: Twitter handle of Santosh Lad)
Kalaghatagi Congress nominee Santosh Lad | (Pic: Twitter handle of Santosh Lad)

Karnataka elections 2023: Polls or not, Santosh Lad from Congress helps needy kids with education

People say it is a good practice and every leader should follow such a path, this is the Congress nominee's story 
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Kalaghatagi Congress nominee Santosh Lad has agreed to bear the education expenses of needy children in the taluk. Since 2020, he has been extending such a facility for 1,300 students in his constituency. A majority of them are students taking coaching for competitive examinations and studying degree courses, stated a report by The New Indian Express.

The nominee's service is now being appreciated by people. A close aide of Santosh Lad said he has helped all those who came to him seeking help with regard to education. “He had never said that he had helped such children, but in this social media age, it came to people's notice. We do not relate the election to education. It is being done for self-satisfaction and we have to give something good back to society,” he added.

A woman from the constituency said recently during the campaign, Santosh visited her house and noticed that the house was in a dilapidated condition. Looking at the condition of the house, he suddenly assured that he would take care of the education of her wards.

People say it is a good practice and every leader should follow such a path. "A few rich people should take the responsibility of education, health and employment of others. Such plans will surely help in building the nation," they added.
