Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN) witnessed a spectacular culmination to the All India South Zone Inter University Kho Kho Tournament for Women, a five-day sporting extravaganza that showcased the prowess of 62 university teams and 930 enthusiastic participants. The tournament, which commenced on December 26, 2023, concluded on December 30, 2023 (today), demonstrating not only the spirit of competition but also the resilience and sportsmanship of the participating teams.
Despite facing weather challenges, with rain disrupting outdoor play on the last two days, the organisers transitioned the tournament from outdoor kho kho grounds to an indoor stadium, ensuring that the competition remained fierce on specially designed rubber mats. This is the first time a kho kho match was played indoors during a south zone inter university tournament.
University of Mysore (first), University of Calicut (second), University of Kerala (third), and Bharathiyar University (fourth) – qualified for the league match, earning the privilege to represent the South Zone in the upcoming National All India Inter University Women's Tournament.
The Valedictory Ceremony, held under the patronage of Prof M Krishnan, Vice-Chancellor of Central University of Tamil Nadu, saw the distinguished presence of Prof G Ravi, Vice-Chancellor of Alagappa University, as the chief guest. Special invitees included Prof R Thirumalaisamy, former Vice-Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Prof P Mariayyah, Former Director of Physical Education at Bharathidasan University, and Prof Mahadevan, Observer, Association of Indian Universities.