The Chief Justice of the Telangana High Court, Ujjal Bhuyan, has been directed by the Union Law Ministry to initiate an inquiry into the alleged discrepancies by Prof Faizan Mustafa, former Vice-Chancellor of the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR).
Justice Bhuyan is the Chancellor of NALSAR and as per the directions of the Union Law Ministry, he is expected to take action against Prof Mustafa. Among his duties as the Chancellor, Justice Bhuyan is empowered to inspect matters connected with the administration and finance of the university.
The complainant against Prof Mustafa was Advocate B Mallesh Yadav, who alleged that during Prof Mustafa's long tenure as the VC, there were instances of abuse of power and illegal appointments of ineligible persons to key posts
The Union Law Ministry has written to the Chief Justice of Telangana High Court to initiate an inquiry into the alleged discrepancies of the former VC. Accordingly, Bhuyan will soon take appropriate action. The representation by Advocate Yadav was submitted to the Telangana High Court and complaints from other individuals were also attached to the representation.
"There is no transparency in his functioning as a Vice-Chancellor of Nalsar University, especially in the appointment of faculties which were made by flagrantly violating the rules and procedure of law," the representation said, according to a report by The New Indian Express. It was also alleged that the university was reluctant to furnish the information when the RTI application was filed.