A teacher was accused of helping her son in the Central Government’s Navodaya School entrance test at Tiptur, the home town of Primary Education Minister BC Nagesh. Following complaints from parents of other kids who wrote the exam, DC YS Patil has ordered a probe to be conducted by the Deputy Director of Public Instruction as the teacher was the invigilator of the exam hall where her son wrote the test for admission to Class VI on Saturday.
Padmavathi, the student’s mother, was the invigilator at the centre set up at Government Girls' High School where his grandfather Channe Gowda was the examination chief. His father Umesh Gowda was the examination chief at the centre at Government Boys’ High School in the vicinity. Beena, the principal of Navodaya School, Tumakuru, clarified that the relatives of the children who wrote the test cannot work at the centres and they should give undertaking letters to that effect.
“If the accused teacher was an invigilator of the examination centre where her son wrote the entrance test, it is an offense,” Beena said.