In a shocking incident, a Member of the Legislative Assembly in Karnataka was caught on camera slapping the Principal of an Industrial Training Institute (ITI). The MLA, M Srinivas, belongs to the Janata Dal (Secular) party and is the MLA from the Mandya Assembly constituency. He was filmed slapping the principal of the ITI during the inauguration of the renovated Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar ITI College in Mandya district, according to a report by PTI.
The video has since gone viral on social media. Sources told PTI that the MLA slapped the principal after he sought some information on facilities in a computer lab during an inspection of the upgrades at the college. There was a delay in the response from the Principal, after which the MLA is seen slapping him. While the conversation between the Principal and the MLA is not audible in the video, it shows the Principal appearing after being called by the MLA, after which the latter proceeds to slap him twice in the presence of other people and staff.
Sources told PTI that no complaint was filed by the principal in the matter and the MLA could not be reached for a comment on the incident. On the other hand, the principal has declined to comment on the incident and has said that he has been performing his duties sincerely and tried to explain to the MLA regarding the renovated ITI.
Mandya District Government Employees' Association President Shambhu Gowda has said the incident has been brought to the notice of the Deputy Commissioner of Mandya.