Following several complaints from parents, the Karnataka Private School College Parent Associations Coordination Committee has sought a retrial of all hearings done under Dr Jayashree Channal, interim chairperson of the Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR).
In a complaint filed by the committee, President B N Yogananda said Dr Channal had routinely ruled in favour of private schools. "The chairperson failed to provide justice for parents and children. Parents were continuously insulted and trials were cut short. The chairperson has violated the wishes of the commission and used her powers for nepotism," said Yoganand.
In a letter to the Ministry of Women and Child Development, he sought all hearings be reheard, and care taken not to appoint such a person to a sensitive commission.
One complaint against Presidency School was filed with KSCPCR. "Our children were not allowed to enter school due to non-payment of school fees. After bringing it to the attention of the BEO and filing a complaint with the commission, we found out that the complaint was closed. The chairperson insulted us, asking if we wanted free education," said one parent.
In complaints against St Germain's Academy, Baldwin Co-Education Extension High School and Narayana E-Techno School, parents alleged similar interactions with the chairperson.
However, Dr Channal said the allegations were baseless and that the parents had come with hidden agendas. "We don't take the side of parents or school, we work for the children. Parents have harassed my staff and even manhandled a lawyer," she said.