Girls outperform boys in UP Board exam | Pic: EdexLive
Girls outperform boys in UP Board exam | Pic: EdexLive

Results are out! Girls outshine boys in UP Class 10 Board exams

Officials said that a total of 25,20,634 candidates appeared for the exam, out of which 22,22,745 candidates passed
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Girls have outperformed boys in the Class X Board examinations held in Uttar Pradesh with a pass percentage of 91.69 per cent against the latter’s 85.25 percent, a UP Board official said on Saturday, June 18.

The exam was conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP), which announced the result at 2 pm, as stated in a report by PTI. A total of 11,69,488 boys and 10,53,257 girls have passed in this examination, said Sarita Tiwari, Director of Education (Secondary), while releasing the high school results in the auditorium of the UP Board here.

Prince Patel of Kanpur Nagar stood first, securing 97.67 per cent marks, while Sanskriti Thakur of Moradabad stood second with 97.50 per cent and Kiran Kushwaha of Kanpur Nagar stood third with 97.50 per cent marks, the official said.

A total of 25,20,634 candidates appeared in the UP Board's high school examination, which was conducted at 8,373 examination centres, out of which 22,22,745 candidates passed. The pass percentage of the total examinees stood at 88.18 per cent, Tiwari added.

The UP Board conducted the Class X examinations in an offline pen and paper mode this year, from March 24 to April 13, and the Class XII examinations were also held between March 24 and April 13, 2022 in the state at several examination centres. The results for UP Board Class XII examinations have also been declared.
