RBSE Rajasthan Class V, VIII Board exam results: To be announced at 1 pm today, June 8. This is how you can check it

When it comes to the Class V exam, 14.53 lakh students attempted it and as many as 12.63 lakh students took the Class VIII exam
Here are the details | (Pic: EdexLive)
Here are the details | (Pic: EdexLive)
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For the Board exams, the RBSE Class V and VIII results will be declared by the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (BSER) today, June 8. The announcement was initially scheduled to begin at 11 am but now has been pushed to 1 pm. 

For all those students who attempted these exams, today is a crucial day. The results will be announced via official websites, rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in and rajresults.nic.in.

This is how you can check your results 
1) Got to the official websites rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in and rajresults.nic.in
2) Click on the link that says RBSE Class 5, 8 results 2022 
3) Key in your details like roll number and so on 
4) Results will be up on your screen
5) Download and take a printout for future reference 

When it comes to the Class V exam, 14.53 lakh students attempted it and as many as 12.63 lakh students took the Class VIII exam. The Class V Board exams were conducted from April 27 to May 17, 2022 while exams for Class VIII were conducted from April 17 to May 17.

"The examination results of 12.63 lakh candidates of class-8 and 14.53 lakh candidates of class-5 will be declared digitally on June 8, 2022 at 11.00 am. My best wishes and blessings to all the students." Dr Bulaki Das Kalla, Rajasthan's Minister for Primary and Secondary Education took to Twitter to make this announcement yesterday, June 7 at 2:37 pm.

But the announcement was postponed to 11.30 am and then 1 pm. 

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