Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Monday, July 25, inaugurated a scheme to distribute bicycles to 6.35 lakh students of Tamil Nadu at a cost of Rs 323 crore.
The bicycles are being distributed to the students on behalf of the Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minority Welfare Department of the state, as stated in a report by IANS. The Chief Minister conducted the state-level inauguration of distribution of bicycles to children in Chennai.
The distribution of bicycles to Class XI students of the state is a flagship programme of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) government, which was mentioned in the budget speech of state Finance Minister Palanivel Thiagarajan. The scheme, according to the government, will help students travel independently and save time, along with allowing them to indulge in extracurricular activities after classes.
Tamil Nadu Minister for Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minority Welfare, RS Rajakannappan, Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ma Subramanian and Minister for Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments PK Sekar Babu and Chennai Mayor R Priya were also present on the occasion.