Over 100 government school students around Samalpallam village in Tamil Nadu staged a protest seeking a flyover to prevent accidents on Monday, January 3. According to sources, over 100 government school students from the surroundings of Samalpallam village, such as Karagur, Puliyur and others, regularly attend a Government Higher Secondary School at Immedinayakanapalli by crossing the Hosur-Chennai national highway.
During this daily trek, many accidents occur at Samalpallam while students cross the road. Last month, a 19-year-old private college student who was waiting near the Samalpallam bus stop to cross the road was mowed down by a lorry and died within a few days. Following that incident, students urged the district administration to construct a flyover to prevent accidents and refused to give up the protest until the visit of the district collector.
However, Hosur's Revenue Divisional Officer Thenmozhi and other revenue officials and Veppanahalli constituency MLA KP Munusamy visited the spot and reportedly pacified the students by assuring steps will be taken to prevent accidents. Krishnagiri Collector Dr V Jaya Chandra Bhanu Reddy did not visit the spot. Following the visits from the officials, it was reported that the students gave up the protest and dispersed from the spot.
Shoolagiri police have said a flyover or skywalk is mandatory near Samalpallam because over five fatal accidents have been reported in the area in the past six months, apart from which minor non-fatal accidents have also been reported.