Vice-President of India M Venkaiah Naidu, on October 29, reminded a gathering of Marathi and Konkani writers that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet and added that it should not be taken for granted. Naidu was addressing the writers at Raj Bhavan in Panaji, Goa.
He said, "Hats off to our scientists, our medical fraternity, our policymakers, the Central and state governments and various institutions. We were able to fight COVID successfully and compared to many other Western countries, our performance was better. But the pandemic is not yet over. This is my caution to the people of my country. Don't take it for granted."
The Vice-President said that people must "maintain honourable distance and follow hygienic protocols given by the government and scientists from time to time." He then reminded people of COVID guidelines to avoid the spread of infection, "Washing hands, keeping oneself clean, keeping your surroundings neat and clean are elementary things that everyone should follow."