VD to monitor buses in Kerala after schools reopen in November 1, to ensure social distancing 

Ahead of schools reopening on November 1 across Kerala, the government has come up with certain guidelines for buses plying students from their home to schools
Representational image (Picture: Express)
Representational image (Picture: Express)
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Short trips, double masks for everyone and fewer passengers are among some of the recommendations suggested by the Kerala State Government for the government and private school buses which will start plying from November 1 onwards when schools are set to reopen. 

The Motor Vehicle Enforcement team will be incharge of ensuring that bus operators are following the guidelines as suggested by the officials. Shiny Mathew, RTO-Enforcement said, "COVID-19 protocols would be observed strictly on the buses. Only one student would be allowed on a seat. Students won't be allowed to stand and travel. Door attendants will scan students' body temperature using thermal scanners and then allow them inside. Sanitisers will also be provided to them. Double masking and social distancing is a must. Teachers deputed as safety officers would check the temperature of door attendants. These teachers should have received two doses of vaccination. Schools will have to provide the protocol to all parents."

The MVD will also come into action to inspect the fitness of school vehicles before it starts operating. All the school bus operators have been directed to ensure proper fitness for their vehicles as they were kept unused for a longer time due to covid pandemic.

Shiny Mathew said, "We are forced to ask the bus operators to reduce the number of passengers on buses to make sure students follow social distancing more viable and decrease the likelihood an infectious person is riding the bus at a given time. Since most standard school buses accommodate around 72 kids, this may mean at most filling buses to one-quarter of their capacity by allowing only about 18 students on board. Keeping most of the kids off the bus will be easier if schools encourage students to walk or bike to school or catch rides with their parents."

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