A Math teacher of a private school in Chennai, who allegedly shared pornographic content in the school WhatsApp group for Class 12 students, has been arrested under the POCSO Act by a team of all-women police. The accused R Mathivanan is a resident of Ambattur and has been teaching Mathematics in the school for over a decade.
Mathivanan is responsible for preparing Class 12 students for public exams, said the police. On Friday night, he shared pornographic material in the WhatsApp group, which is used for online classes and had both boys and girls as its members. The fellow teachers and the students in the group were shocked by the material and alerted the school authorities.
During the internal inquiry, Mathivanan allegedly informed the school management that he was unaware that the video had been shared as he was under the influence of alcohol. Based on a complaint by the school, an all-women police team arrested Mathivanan under POCSO Act and IT Act and he has been remanded into judicial custody. The police said that Mathivanan was married and he lived with the family.