The Telangana government's aim is to add 50,000 jobs in Tier-2 towns in the next five years, said IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao, on December 17. While inaugurating the office of Mass Mutual, a life insurance firm, Rama Rao said that they are promoting Tier-2 cities like Warangal, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and Nalgonda in a big way and created ‘plug and play’ infrastructure there and had a good response from Tech Mahindra, Cyient and Mindtree.
On this occasion, he highlighted that Hyderabad is a truly cosmopolitan city, welcoming of all cultures and criticism. “In our city, standup comedians get an open invite. We don't cancel the shows of Munawar Faruqui just because we are not aligned politically with him. We are truly welcoming of everyone," he said.
"If you look at all Indian cities and compare them with Hyderabad, we offer the biggest bang for the buck. We have better infrastructure and our costs are lower. The pollution is far better unlike New Delhi and we have good weather when compared to Chennai, which is humid," he said. Meanwhile, MassMutual, which was inaugurated, is ranked at 93 in the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest US corporations.