This year, SSLC students in Karnataka appearing for the board exams will be writing answers in a descriptive mode. The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) in its recently released notification stated that they have withdrawn the Multiple Choice Question model that was practised during last year's SSLC exams, due to the pandemic.
Similarly, students will be writing the descriptive model answers in their preparatory exams that will be held in the month of January and final exams that are going to be held in the month of March and April. One of the reasons behind implementing the descriptive model is to encourage students to think creatively and put forth their views in the form of answers. Therefore, the total marks for subjects including Maths, Science and Social Science will be 100 while it is 125 marks for their first language including Hindi or English or Kannada.
According to the notification from KSEEB, students will be assessed with 80 marks for the theory paper and 20 marks for internal assessment. For the first language, they will be given 100 marks for the theory and 25 for internal assessment.