ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India on Thursday said it has signed an agreement with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to provide digital skill training to over 800 people across the country.
Under the partnership, the Gujarat-based company will financially sponsor digital skill training for eligible candidates over the next year as part of its CSR programme, AMNS India said in a statement.
AMNS India partnered with NSDC on International Youth Day to provide digital skill training to more than 800 young people across the country, it said.
The initiative aims to motivate youths and equip them for both, jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities in areas such as customer service, telecalling, data entry, among others.
Dilip Oommen, Chief Executive Officer, AMNS India, said, "India has the world's youngest population who deserve an adequate training ecosystem in place to be able to truly flourish and deliver on their promise, a crucial component of which is digital skilling. Such a support system requires collaboration between government, industry and responsible corporate citizens." Ved Mani Tiwari, Chief Operating Officer, NSDC, said the partnership with AMNS India will provide momentum for large-scale participation by private players in skill development.
With the promised resources, NSDC will conduct digital learning sessions to train bright students from various backgrounds. This will enable them to become valuable members of the workforce. ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel (AMNS) India is a joint venture between Luxembourg-headquartered ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel of Japan.