Parent body India Wide Parents' Association has asked the Minister of Education Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' to allow provisional admission in colleges to the CBSE students who are placed in the compartment category. The exams for XII graders will be held from September 22 to 29. In 2020, around 87,000 students were placed in the compartment category.
"There has been a delay in conducting these exams due to which these students will suffer an academic loss," reads the letter by the IWPA chief Advocate Anubha Srivastava Sahai. "I request you to release a circular to direct all colleges to give them provisional admissions until the results are out," it reads.
The CBSE on the other hand, released the admit cards for the examinations on Saturday. On the other hand, the Supreme Court on Thursday heard a petition which challenged the conduct of the examination, citing the rising number of COVID cases. The court, however, maintained that it would not be able to help the students as it would be the colleges and universities which will take their admissions for higher studies. ""It is the colleges, universities and deemed universities which will be taking admissions of those students and the CBSE will not be able to help much the students taking compartment exams," a bench headed by Justice AM Khanwilkar.