Amidst huge opposition from students and activists and uncertainty due to the rising Corona cases across India, the Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) conducted COMEDK exams on August 19 and has released the Under Graduate Entrance Test 2020 (UGET) result on their official website at within a month. While the first rank has been secured by Rakshith M from Bengaluru, Saurav Kumar and Anupama Sinha secured the second and third ranks respectively.
Out of the top 100 rank holders, around 45 candidates are from Karnataka and 55 are from other states in this year's COMEDK UGET 2020. Unlike previous years where 70,000 students attended COMEDK exams, this year only 43, 249 students attended the exam across India. The provisional answer keys were released on August 23 and the final answer keys were released three days ago, on August 31. This year, the COMEDK counselling will be held online for which candidates will have to upload the scanned copies of their documents through their id. These documents will be further verified by panel experts.
As explained by Dr S Kumar, Executive Secretary, COMEDK, in an interview with Edexlive, COVID positive students were not allowed to write the exams. He said, "Initially we thought of allowing them to write the exam. The KCET exams that the state government conducted was within the state but this exam was across India. If the student is allotted centre A and on the day of the exam, if the student is found to be COVID positive, then it was going to be a huge challenge to travel to centre Y which is a dedicated COVID centre and if it is on the outskirts of the city, then it is not feasible to travel."