While the Government of Karnataka has halted the Vidyagama classes and declared mid-term holidays for teachers and students across Karnataka, a 45-year-old teacher, Padmakshi N who was tested positive last month has been battling for her life. The doctors of the private hospital where she has been admitted have said that the teacher's condition is severe due to a lung infection.
Padmakshi's daughter Aishwarya Jain, who is also an engineering student, took to Facebook to post about her mother's condition and request Suresh Kumar S, Primary and Secondary Education Minister for help. She also mentioned that her mother was safe and did not have any health issues before conducting the Vidyagama classes. She is believed to have contracted the virus by travelling in public transport to conduct the Vidyagma classes. In addition, her father Shashikanth, who is also a government school teacher, has tested positive. Both of them are being treated at Mangalore's Indiana Hospital.
In her Facebook post, she wrote, "I'm Aishwarya Jain, daughter of Shashikanth Y and Padmakshi N. We are among those families who is suffering due to Vidyagama, as both of my parents are COVID positive. My parents are government employees working as teachers at DJ Higher Primary Aided School and Jawaharlal Nehru Makki Aided High School. My mother's condition is very CRITICAL and is in the ICU using 90% oxygen support in MANGALORE INDIANA hospital since 29/09/2020 and has been fighting for her life ever since. My father who is also COVID positive is trying very hard to pay the hospital bills along with the unbearable stress due to the ongoing situation. We need a helping hand right now. Since my mother was healthy before Vidyagama and it's clear that your program is responsible for this whole scenario, I request financial help from your side ASAP. Hope government will not let its teachers down. Trying to reach in person so that I can explain things better."
As the Facebook post went viral, Suresh Kumar who has also been admitted in the hospital due to COVID-19, immediately reached out to the Deputy Commissioner of Mangalore (HEALTH????) and has asked them to ensure that the teachers get the best treatment to overcome the disease.