A division bench of the Madras High Court on Thursday directed the Tamil Nadu government to list out the steps taken by it to prevent the sale of drugs without prescription to school children by the medical shops. The court was hearing the plea of an accused who was detained under Goondas Act for selling drugs to school children.
The two-member bench of justices N Kirubakaran and R Hemalatha passed the directions while raising several queries including how many cases have been registered against such offenders in the State.
The court expressed shock over painkillers used for headaches and cough being sold without prescription, especially to school children. The court also sought details on the number of medical shops in the State that have been found selling medicines illegally. Whether licences of these shops have been revoked by the authorities concerned, the court wanted to know.
The bench also wanted to know how many children in the State have been affected by drug abuse. Raising these queries, the court directed the police department to file a detailed report by next week.