Tripura Education minister Ratan Lal Nath on Sunday said the state government was planning resume academic sessions in schools from June 15. He said all schools would be properly sanitized before classes resume.
"We are planning to open schools from June 1 and resume classes from June 15. Before we start academic sessions all schools would be sanitized properly and supply of drinking water would be ensured. We would also announce their results before resuming the classes," Nath told reporters.
Evaluations of the answer-scripts of Madhyamik (class 10) and Higher Secondary (class 12) papers which were held before lockdown had already started, Nath said. Nath said, altogether Rs 1.35 crore would be spent to sanitize the schools.
He said government has also instructed all school authorities to arrange for sanitizers, gloves and masks for the cooks of the Mid Day meal and soaps and sanitizers for students.