Jamia Hamdard, a research-based institution in Delhi, has been ranked as the best pharmacy institute in the country for the third consecutive year in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2020. Union Minister of Human Resource Development Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' announced NIRF Indian Rankings for Indian institutes on Thursday through an online address.
"All of this can be credited to the wonderful teaching staff on campus, the huge number of laboratories and other facilities we provide our students with. We would also like to see our other departments reach the same height in the near future — management we are working to make it number one, we have a law department that functions quite well too. We also secured rank 22 in the medical college category. Our medical college is also doing pretty well in Delhi," says a spokesperson of Jamia Hamdard.
The University is known for offering graduate and postgraduate programs in Medicine, Allied Health Sciences, Pharmacy, Unani Medicine and Nursing and is pioneer in initiating integrated research for modern and traditional streams of science.
The NIRF selection is based on five parameters for the Pharmacy category - Teaching, learning and resources (TLR), Research, professional practice and collaborative performance (RPC), Graduation outcome (GO), Outreach and inclusivity (OI), and Perception (PR). "Research is the major area we work on and that's what I think made us stand out and secure the top rank. We are the only university in India which has extensive courses like Unani medicine, nursing, B Pharma, we have everything related to health and allied sciences," he adds.
Panjab University in Chandigarh and NIPER Mohali occupy the next two positions in this year’s rankings with each of the top three institutions retaining their positions in the 2019’s edition of NIRF India Ranking. This year, 5,805 institutes had submitted their information for NIRF ranking 2020. In allied fields, AIIMS Delhi has been judged the top medical college in the country and Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Delhi, the best dental college.
NIRF rankings were launched in 2015 and the first-ever ranks were announced in 2016. Since the first rankings, the number of categories has increased from four to nine. This is the first NIRF ranking that was announced under the leadership of HRD Minister Pokhriyal. In the e-launch of NIRF ranking on Wednesday, UGC Chairmain Dhirendra Pal Singh, AICTE Chairman Anil Sahasrabudhe were also present along with other officials. The ranks which were scheduled to be announced in April were delayed due to COVID-19 crisis.
The number of Indian institutes which registered for the NIRF ranking this year has increased from 20 per cent as compared to the number last year. This year for the first time dental institutes were also ranked. Earlier, Institutes were ranked in multiple categories including – best overall institute, best university, top engineering institute, top college, best management institute, top pharmacy college, best law school, best architecture college, and top medical college.