Acting Vice-Chancellor of Gulbarga University Prof Chandrakant Yatnoor held a video-conference with the Principal degree colleges of Bidar, Kalaburagi, Yadgir and Raichur districts on Saturday with regard to academic activities of the colleges.
According to a press note issued by the University it has been said that about 250 Principals of the degree colleges participated in the video conference. Most of the principals informed the acting VC that at the time of lock-down their colleges have completed remaining 20% of the syllabus using online method. Though the colleges have made effort to reach all the students, it has not become possible due to net problem, power problem in some of the villages and some of the students not having smart phones.The principals gave suggestions on holding examinations.
Some of them suggested to hold exams for 50 % of the syllabus. Some others felt that holding only 6th semester examination would not be good as the students could not be given Degree certificates till they get passed in all semisters of the degree courses.
Prof Chandrakant Yatnoor said that he would appraise the feelings of the principals to the higher education department. Prof Yatnoor further said that he is anticipating the guidelines by the higher education department. After getting guidelines by the higher education department and from UGC, the University would decide on academic activities like teaching and holding examinations.Registrar of the University Prof Somashekhar, Registrar (Evaluation) Prof Sanjivkumar, Finance Officer Prof. B Vijay and others were present in the meeting.