Looks like the previous academic year was a good one for Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. After making it to the University Grants Commission's Institute of Eminence list in August 2019, the university has skipped four ranks to now bag the fourth rank in the National Institutional Ranking Framework's list of universities. In 2019, it bagged the eighth rank.
It has also bagged the 13th rank in the NIRF's overall list. These aren't the university's only achievements by the way. It is one of the 13 Indian universities to make it to the QS World University Rankings 2021, along with Banaras Hindu University, Jadavpur University, IISc Bangalore, Delhi University, Anna University, University of Hyderabad, MAHE (Manipal Academy of Higher Education), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, BHU (Banaras Hindu University), Jadavpur University and OP Jindal Global University. The top three universities according to NIRF 2020 rankings are IISc Bengaluru, JNU and BHU.
According to the institute data, 19,224 students studied in the university in the previous academic year. A deemed to be university established in 2003, its Chancellor is spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.
This is the first NIRF ranking that was announced under the leadership of HRD Minister Pokhriyal. The number of Indian institutes registered for the NIRF ranking this year has increased from 20 per cent as compared to last year. This year for the first time dental institutes will also be ranked. Earlier, Institutes were ranked in multiple categories including – best overall institute, best university, top engineering institute, top college, best management institute, top pharmacy college, best law school, best architecture college, and top medical college. The education institutes and universities all over India are ranked across several parameters including teaching, learning and resources, research and professional practices, graduation outcome outreach and inclusivity, and perception.