A private school in Bharuch in Gujarat was forced to tender an apology today after angry parents confronted it for punishing some of the girl students for wearing `mehendi' (henna), and the local BJP MLA intervened in the dispute.
The incident took place at Queen of Angel's Convent School at Vadadala on the outskirts of Bharuch city. According to BJP MLA Dushyant Patel, the school principal made around 25 girls stand outside for four hours as a punishment for wearing henna designs on their hands yesterday.
Girls traditionally wear henna during the week-long fast for `Gauri Vrat' which ended two days ago, he claimed. Enraged by the punishment, many parents today arrived at the school and questioned the management.
Patel, who rushed to the spot after learning about the row, met the school management. Members of the management later came out and apologised before the media and parents, assuring that such an incident will not recur in future.