Dispelling the myth's that only mothers are responsible for their child's growth, a recent survey by the Mumbai-based Podar Educational Institute has found that Indian fathers are making conscious efforts to spend more time with their kids. However, there is still much scope for improvement, though the progress is fascinating.
According to the survey 70 per cent of fathers are now making a conscious effort to reduce their travel for work in order to spend more time with their children and at least 65 per cent fathers spend two or more hours every day with them.
"The findings dispel many of the conventional notions about parenting which put mothers in the spotlight. A common complaint of mothers is that fathers are not involved in everyday parenting and that they have to bear the burden alone," said the research, in which 4,800 fathers were surveyed.
However, while they are now more aware of their child's class, school and even attend extracurricular events, there is still scope of improvement in terms of time given, disciplining their kids and helping with school work, it said.
Dr Swati Popat Vats, President, Early Childhood Association, feels that these results are a good sign that
children today are benefiting from the equal involvement of both parents and this will be good for the overall emotional development and emotional intelligence in children.
Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, said that a father's love and a mother's love are
qualitatively different. "Fathers love more dangerously because their love is more expectant and instrumental than a mother's love. A father brings unique contributions to the job of parenting a child
that no one else can replicate," he said.