#ThrowbackToday: When Anne Frank was caught and sent to a concentration camp

In today's #TBT, we recall the frightful day when the Jewish author of The Diary of a Young Girl was captured by Nazis and thrown into a horrific concentration camp. Here's more about the young girl
Anne Frank | (Pic: Wikimedia Commons)
Anne Frank | (Pic: Wikimedia Commons)

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.

The 15-year-old who shared with us both her profound and trivial thoughts via her diary and was living in hiding for the 'crime' of being a German-Dutch girl of Jewish heritage was discovered from her hiding place in a sealed-off Amsterdam warehouse by the Nazi police on August 4, 1944.

It was for 25 months that Annelies Marie ‘Anne’ Frank, who was born in Frankfurt, Germany, was in hiding and for about two years, she maintained a diary, which she received as her 13th birthday gift, and jotted down many of her thoughts and experiences. Today, we know this diary, who Anne addressed as Kitty, as the book The Diary Of a Young Girl. Anne Frank House is a biographical museum and her original hiding space in Amsterdam. It is dedicated to this girl who never had the chance to grow into a woman and become a journalist or a writer, as per her stated ambition. To this effect, the little girl also wrote short stories and noted down famous sayings by other writers.

It was Anne's father, Otto Frank, who went on to publish the diary.

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