The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has come up with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the students of Class VIII to X in the country. They can now participate in an online space quiz launched by ISRO which began on August 10 and ends on August 20. The winners of the quiz and top two students from each State and Union Territory will get an opportunity to visit the ISRO centre in Bengaluru to witness the landing of Chandrayaan-2 on the Moon, live along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 7, 2019.
In order to increase awareness about ISRO's Chandrayaan-2 space programme, the online quiz competition is being conducted by the space organisation in coordination with in August.
To be eligible for participation, each student needs to create an individual account on the MyGov portal. An individual is permitted to participate only once in the quiz. Duration of the quiz is set at 10 minutes (600 Seconds) during which a maximum of 20 questions can be answered. Once a participant begins the quiz it cannot be paused or stopped. The regulations also state that only Indian citizens can take part.
Students should keep in mind that each participant will receive a certificate of participation which can be downloaded from the ‘Downloads' section of the MyGov Quiz platform. The downloads section will be visible only after logging in to the website.
The criteria for selecting successful winners will be "Maximum Correct Answers in the Shortest Time". In case of a tie, random selection will be done. After the closure of the quiz and prior to the announcement of results, top-scoring students shall be required to provide their parent’s or guardian’s name, government-issued proof of identity containing the address and an affidavit from the school confirming that they are students of the school. After the fulfilment of the above criteria, shortlisted students will be informed whenever their selection takes place.
You can visit this website to take part in the quiz: