IBPS PO Mains results 2025 announcement | Here's how you can check it

Candidates who appeared for the November 2024 exam can now check their results via the official IBPS website at ibps.in
IBPS PO Mains result 2025
IBPS PO Mains result 2025(Representative Image)
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The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the IBPS Probationary Officer (PO) Mains Result, today, Friday, January 31. Candidates who took the November 2024 examination can now check their results via the official IBPS website, www.ibps.in. These results are important as they determine eligibility for the Interview Round, the final stage in the selection process.

How to check the IBPS PO Mains result?

To check the IBPS PO Mains result, follow these steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website at www.ibps.in.
Step 2: Look for the link titled “Result Status of Online Main Examination for CRP-PO/MT-XIV.”
Step 3: Enter your registration/roll number and password/date of birth.
Step 4: Enter the captcha code displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Click the Submit button to view your result.
Step 6: Save and print a copy of the result for future reference.

The result will include the following details:
- Candidate’s name
- Roll number/registration number
- Category
- Exam name and date
- Result status
- Instructions for the next stage

What next?
1) Interview round: Candidates who have qualified for the mains exam will be called for the interview round, which carries 100 marks. This stage evaluates candidates on their communication skills, banking awareness, and overall suitability for the role.

2) Final selection: The final selection will be based on a weighted score, with the mains exam accounting for 80% and the interview for 20%.

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