Maharashtra Education Board implements campaign for copy-free exam

The Maharashtra State Board has declared that schools have to hold awareness campaign week (January 20–26) for ‘copy-free’ exams
Maharashtra Education Board implements campaign for copy-free exam
(Pic: EdexLive Desk)
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In a first, the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has released a pledge for students to take against copying during tests during morning assemblies. This pledge comes ahead of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exams, which are due to start in February.

The Maharashtra State Board has declared that schools have to hold awareness campaign week (January 20-26) for ‘copy-free’ exams. It has released a week-long plan to run a campaign on awareness of ‘copy-free’ exams along with detailed guidelines to be followed before, after, and during exams.

In the circular issued regarding this, Chairman of the Maharashtra State Board, Sharad Gosavi, said, “The week-long campaign is a result of a 100-day action plan released for the school education department by the Chief Minister. HSC and SSC exams are to start in February on 11 and 21, respectively. From across nine divisions of the Maharashtra State Board, there are nearly 31 lakh students who are going to appear for these exams. Time and again, state boards have had to deal with various types of malpractices followed by students during exams. This awareness campaign will help control copy-cases.”

The campaign, which begins next Monday, includes different activities planned for each day. These activities aim to raise students' awareness of the importance of not copying during exams, its consequences, and the rules to follow. The Maharashtra State Board has also released a pledge that students should take along with the campaign plan.

Plan for next week

According to the plan declared by the Maharashtra State Board, the campaign will start next week, and here are the details:
Monday: By educating school principals, teachers, and others on the importance of ‘copy-free’ exams and the campaign. 

Tuesday: All schools will have to ensure that the students take the pledge against copying during morning assemblies

Wednesday: Schools have to read all rules and regulations for students appearing for Board exams along with informing them of the consequences of various wrongdoings if they are found indulging in any form of malpractice before, during, or after exams.

Other activities to be held during this week include creating awareness of copy-free exams among students, educating them on how to take care of health and nutrition during exams, and including sessions with mental health experts to ensure that students are stress-free. Schools are also asked to screen a film prepared by the state board on how to appear for exams without any stress.

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