Telangana intermediate exams
Telangana intermediate exams(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

Telangana intermediate practical exams hall tickets out. Here are details

TS Inter's first-year exams will end on March 24, while the second-year exams end on March 25. Students of both years will appear for modern language paper and geography on the last day
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The Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana (TGBIE, previously known as TSBIE) has released hall tickets or admit cards for the intermediate practical examinations.

According to the exam's timetable, TS Inter practical examinations for both general and vocational courses shall be conducted from February 3 (Monday) to February 22 (Saturday).

These examinations will be held in two shifts, from 9 am to 12 noon in the morning session and from 2 pm to 5 pm in the afternoon session, stated Hindustan Times.

Here are the steps to download TS Inter Practical Exam hall ticket:

Step 1: Visit the official website

Step 2: Click on the IPE March 2025 ‘ENV ETH ENG HALL TICKETS’ or ‘PRACTICAL HALL TICKETS’ download link

Step 3: Login with the necessary credentials

Step 4: Click on submit

Step 5: Check and download your hall ticket

Further, if a candidate faces difficulty in downloading the hall ticket, he/she can contact the board at 040-24655027.

Theory exams

Theory examinations for IPE first year students will begin on March 5 and exams for second-year students will begin on March 6. Students of both classes will write the second language paper on the first day.

TS Inter's first-year exams will end on March 24, while the second-year exams end on March 25. Students of both years will appear for modern language paper and geography on the last day.
