Stephen Ibaraki, a renowned technology futurist and global thought leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and digital transformation, visited research and innovation labs at Sona College of Technology and Thiagarajar Polytechnic College on August 26-27, 2024.
During his visit, Ibaraki interacted extensively with the leadership, scores of faculty, and over 1,200 students, sharing his insights on the future of technology and innovation.
“It has been such a remarkable experience being here at Sona College of Technology. Just outstanding world-class innovation — the best I've seen in my entire career,” Ibaraki remarked.
“Every aspect of the innovation that's occurring, the inviting environment for the students to co-create with other students, and the faculty's deep involvement in this innovation ecosystem are truly exceptional. The leadership's collaborative efforts to create impactful technology are evident throughout the campus. It's the highest concentration of talent I have seen in my lifetime," he said, stated a press release from the institute.
“Visiting the Sona campus at Salem and engaging with its students and faculty is a highlight of my life, probably one of the milestone moments in the seventh decade of my life,” he went on to say.
Ibaraki further reflected on his week-long visit, stating that the wealth of knowledge and innovation at Sona College could keep him engaged for months. His extensive experience with global technology and professional organizations contributes to his admiration for what he saw in Salem.
During his interactions with a technology editor, Ibaraki also discussed India’s talent pool for emerging technologies. He emphasised the need for education and training programmes aligned with industry needs, particularly in AI, machine learning, and data science.
Additionally, he highlighted the importance of hands-on experience, entrepreneurship, and innovation to fully harness India’s technological potential, stated the press release from the institute.
On the potential risks of AI, Ibaraki acknowledged that AI poses risks if not managed responsibly. However, he believes that with ethical development, strong governance frameworks, and international cooperation, AI can be harnessed for significant societal benefits.
Stephen Ibaraki's visit to India culminated in his participation in a Young President’s Organization-Entrepreneurs Organisation event on August 28, 2024, in Bengaluru, where he discussed Investment & Innovations in the AI World, moderated by Chocko Valliappa, CEO of Vee Technologies.