The panchayat union middle school in Immanambatti of Tiruvarangulam block in the Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu is being turned into a drinking spot by locals at night and cleanliness staff are forced to dispose of the liquor bottles and litter from the premises every morning, rue locals.
"A place meant for education is being desecrated by turning it into a makeshift bar after dark," a villager said.
He further alleged that a small shop selling liquor bottles operates directly opposite the school, which is making the situation worse. The resident also claimed that the police are aware of the issue but are yet to take action against it, stated a report by The New Indian Express.
In response to the complaints, a district-level official from the school education department said, "I have sought a report from the Thiruvarangulam block education officer. If there is a need for more security measures such as a compound wall, action will be taken based on the report."
Meanwhile, a senior police official in Thiruvarangulam station told The New Indian Express that they have responded to the complaint and are working to put an end to such activities that are unfortunately happening on the school premises.