On August 7, social media platform X was abuzz with screenshots from a Telegram group called ‘NEET-PG Leaked Material’ claiming to be in possession of the question papers of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test - Postgraduate (NEET PG), scheduled to be held on August 11.
Promptly, the National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) issued a notice titled 'Myth vs Fact' debunking the claims of paper leaks. It also said that it has filed a police complaint and that the question papers are yet to be prepared by the board.
But now, news is coming in that the Telegram group has simply changed its name to 'NEET PG August 11' and is continuing to function, spreading anxiety among aspirants who are going to attempt the exam in just one day.
As per a screenshot shared on social media, the Telegram channel has over 21.3k subscribers and the admin is sending messages like, "Purchase your leaked materials before it is too late on the 11th of August we will know who was right and what materials are the right ones."
They are allegedly selling the question papers for Rs 50,000.
It may be recalled that paper leak allegations had marred the NEET - Undergraduate (UG) exams as well.