The Madras High Court questioned the Devanga Arts College in Aruppukottai, Virudhnagar on Thursday, April 18, for failing to send allegations of sexual harassment filed by girls to the Vishaka Committee of Madurai Kamaraj University after six years.
The point was addressed by the first bench of Chief Justice SV Gangapurwala and Justice J Sathya Narayana Prasad during the hearing of a public interest litigation (PIL) suit brought by Ganesan of the Revolutionary Students and Youth Federation, according to The New Indian Express.
The judge instructed the college's lawyer to file a reply explaining why the victims' complaints were not forwarded to the Vishaka Committee by July 7.
The incident
The issue gained attention in 2018 as the impacted students accused Assistant Professor P Nirmala Devi of coercing them into illicit sexual activity.
In recordings of telephone conversations with the victims, the professor was caught on record allegedly egging students to pursue an “opportunity” to do certain things for a “very senior official” of the Madurai Kamaraj University, and that she hopes the students understand what is “expected” of them.
After filing a report, the Crime Branch, Crime Investigation Department detained her.
To look into the allegation, Ganesan had filed a plea to establish a special investigative team led by a female Deputy Inspector General (DIG).