Why is Maharashtra on top when it comes to 2022 student suicide rates? 

The high suicide rate among students in Maharashtra is a serious concern, and it is important to address the factors that contribute to this problem
Here's what the number says | (Pic: EdexLive)
Here's what the number says | (Pic: EdexLive)

Despite efforts to reduce the suicide rate among students in India, Maharashtra continues to top the list of states with the highest number of student suicides. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), there were 1,834 student suicides reported in Maharashtra in 2022, which is the highest number of student suicides reported in any Indian state.

The suicide rate among students in Maharashtra is 18.3 per 1,00,000 people. This is significantly higher than the national suicide rate for students, which is 8.0 per 1,00,000 people.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high suicide rate among students in Maharashtra, including:

- Academic pressure: Maharashtra is a highly competitive state, and students are often under a lot of pressure to perform well academically. This pressure can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression, which can increase the risk of suicide.

Lack o- f mental health support: Mental health is often stigmatised in India, and students may be reluctant to seek help for mental health problems. Additionally, there is a shortage of mental health professionals in Maharashtra, which makes it difficult for students to access the care they need.

- Family problems: Family problems, such as financial difficulties, divorce, or abuse, can also be a risk factor for suicide.

- Relationship problems: Relationship problems, such as break-ups or infidelity, can also lead to feelings of isolation and despair, which can increase the risk of suicide.

- Bullying: Bullying can have a devastating impact on a person's mental health, and can increase the risk of suicide.

The high suicide rate among students in Maharashtra is a serious concern, and it is important to address the factors that contribute to this problem. By providing more mental health support, reducing the stigma associated with mental health, and creating a more supportive environment, we can help to reduce the number of suicides in Maharashtra and across India.

Concerned that a student may be suicidal, please reach out to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counsellor, or principal. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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