Selfie-related deaths among youngsters: The pursuit of social media validation 

Social media platforms have a role to play in promoting responsible content creation, and discouraging dangerous behaviour
Selfie related deaths | (Pic: EdexLive)
Selfie related deaths | (Pic: EdexLive)

With regard to the harrowing news of a student in West Bengal who drowned while trying to take a selfie, we take a look at the disturbing trend.

The rise of social media has brought about a profound shift in how we share and document our lives. Selfies, in particular, have become a ubiquitous form of self-expression among the younger generation. However, the pursuit of the perfect shot has taken a dark turn, with a concerning trend emerging – the tragic loss of lives associated with risky selfie-taking.

In the quest for attention and validation, many youngsters have ventured into precarious situations, often with fatal consequences. From attempting daring stunts on cliffsides to posing near train tracks, the desire for a 'share-worthy' moment has led to a disturbing number of fatalities.

The allure of social media metrics, such as likes and comments, has inadvertently fueled this perilous behaviour. Young minds, susceptible to peer pressure and the constant comparison prevalent in online spaces, may engage in risky activities to gain social approval. The consequence, however, is a growing list of lives lost due to what should be a harmless act of self-expression.

The issue extends beyond individual responsibility, touching upon the need for increased awareness and education. Campaigns highlighting the dangers of risky selfie-taking and the potential life-threatening outcomes can serve as a crucial intervention. Moreover, social media platforms have a role to play in promoting responsible content creation, and discouraging dangerous behaviour through algorithmic interventions and user guidelines.

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