A crisp samosa, a cheesy pizza, colourful macaroons and so much more — these and many other photos of dishes adorn the Instagram page of artist Spoorthy Danaboyina. However, they aren't edible. Why? Because they are miniature models that are made from air-dry clay. But their accuracy will still make you drool, we assure you. This is the artform that Spoorthy has been perfecting since October 2019. After graduating in Accessory Design from NIFT, Hyderabad, this 22-year-old's health did not permit her to take up a full-time job.
To avoid the 'an empty mind is a devil's workshop' syndrome, this youngster took to miniature art and the very first piece she made was a cute miniature model of Tata, who is the animated character of singer V from K-pop band BTS, for her sister. But the trick was that she had to use air-dry clay, which dries up within minutes, as opposed to the regular clay other artists use because she has sensitive skin. "The Accessory Design course really helped me master the minute details that are required while creating miniature art," says the youngster who was born in Kamareddy town in Telangana.
Spoorthy's focus is on authenticity. Take a look at the mirchi bajji miniature model that she has made and you'll know what we are talking about. From the lemon to the Telugu newspaper it is served on — the artist has got every tiny detail done to a T. When it comes to the colours, she uses soft pastel powder and mixes it in with the clay and then, paints the artwork with acrylic paints. She uses toothpicks, knives, needles, toothbrushes and other tools for the detailing. "Considering I have butterfingers, I used to struggle a lot initially, but now, I can finish one piece in one or two hours," she says sheepishly. Currently, apart from food, she makes kawaii (a Japanese term which means 'cute') charms, flowers and shoes. She also takes on commissioned orders and has spent time on 40 orders in the past three months. She would like to conduct workshops but only after she has spent more time perfecting the artform, she avers. And while Spoorthy is figuring out which direction she should head in career-wise, art is keeping her good company.
More of her artwork:
For more on her, check out instagram.com/spoorthyraj