As technology advances every single day, it’s about time we had easier and cheaper means of education and entertainment in one neat package. Now, this isn't just something we feel strongly about. OWN TV, a media education platform, felt the same way, so they launched their own infotainment website and mobile app. Called OWN GURU, this aspect of the website/app deals with education and information, where students can refer to past question papers and notes on multiple topics. There is also an Artificial Intelligence bot that guides the user. On the same app, users can watch comedy shows and TV series. Now here's the best part — all this is available on the app for just ₹10.
We found it super interesting, so we caught up with Founder Pravin Narain Agarwal to find out more. Excerpts from our conversation:
The app is available for ₹10! Why make it this cheap?
We wanted to make high-quality education and skill up-gradation available to everyone at exceedingly pocket-friendly prices.
Could you explain the process of creating this source of Infotainment?
We conducted an analysis on the type of content that students would most likely prefer and after a detailed study by our creative and analytics team, we came up with concepts and the content.
What are the types of educational content that are made available in OWN GURU?
We initially thought about limiting it to SSC preparation content with short topic-specific videos, multiple topic-based questions, simulated and past question papers, and explanatory notes. But we also have a query mode where students can ask questions. There is an intelligent software that studies the student’s progress and guides them on the time required to complete a chosen course.
Is the educational content in OWN GURU meant for all ages or is it just for school children?
Currently, OWN GURU caters to students aspiring for government jobs. However, soon, other modules catering to different study fields will be added.