Know your DNA: Three simple secrets to discover excellence for every student

Every young graduate can transform their life towards achieving excellence in their career if they discover their natural abilities, writes Nicholas Francis
Students start discovering their abilities at teenage or later in first year college, then only they would figure out the purpose of their life before they get to work | Representative image
Students start discovering their abilities at teenage or later in first year college, then only they would figure out the purpose of their life before they get to work | Representative image

The world is moving very fast and as a result, there is competition everywhere. This appears to be all the more complex in the job market in which graduates either make or break their future. They must remember that one of the ways to approach this situation and emerge successful in a competitive environment is to strive towards excellence in their lives. Excellence is a quality that does not come instantly, but will certainly reflect their personality if they are consistent to adapt themselves to the process of self-development.

I have had a number of youth, particularly young graduates, who approach me with a reasonably good academic track record, appear rather confused about their own lives. They seem to lack the enthusiasm or determination to want to live a good life with a job meant for them. Instead, they prefer to work in whatever job they manage to get. This is large because the educated graduates lack the drive, which moves them along the path of enlightenment towards excellence. This aspect reflects in their personality and casts a gloomy spell in their future endeavours.

The spark to empower the lives of individuals with a quality of excellence comes from the basis of ‘Discovering their Natural Abilities’ (DNA). Natural abilities are the organic energy with which an individual can operate without much strain and stress. This can be better understood if we state that natural abilities are an inbuilt attitude, behaviour or talent to perform a particular activity. It is innate and remains permanently within an individual. It manifests around the teenage phase, but strangely, it often goes unnoticed. This happens because the youth do not attach much importance to it as they don't fully understand its influence on their overall personality.

Those who are able to recognise their natural abilities at a very young age and use it to their maximum potential are found to be successful in life. They are much more confident of facing career situations with ease, since they know what they are good at, which in turn will bring success to them. Every person is the happiest when they operate at the level of leveraging their natural abilities, which makes them productive and energetic. That is why we are able to see many unsung heroes emerge very successful in life.

Life terms: Those who are able to recognise their natural abilities at a very young age and use it to their maximum potential are found to be successful in life | Representative image

On the contrary, when persons are not able to make use of their natural abilities, they are not content with their lives. They are prone to mood swings and become dissatisfied in life, thus affecting their productivity. They might feel that their career and life are mismatched, which will have great bearing on their quality of life within the family and in society as a whole.

There is no fixed template that one can follow to discover their natural abilities, however, as a general view, it has to start around the early teenage phase or at least during the first year of college. Only then, students can arrive at a reasonable understanding about their life and their purpose by the final year. As a human resource mentor, I would recommend two steps for this:

Probe: An individual must be willing to probe what lies within them. With an overview of unearthing their natural quality, they must rediscover what made them happy during their younger days, something that they were always close to and found comfort in. The discovery of younger age thrills and zest leads to greater success in adult life opportunities.

Perform: The latent talents and abilities which lie within an individual must be kindled by providing them with an action-oriented outlet. Once they perform an activity, they draw conclusions about their performance and the quality of their potential. If they do not perform at all, then they will never be able to master their natural abilities.

Every young graduate can transform their life towards achieving excellence in their career and other professional areas along with the process of discovering their natural abilities.

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