Earth Day: 5 Eco-friendly things you can do for your planet

Manufacturing new clothes require both energy and water, and there are many people who can't afford to buy their own, so you can donate unused clothes this Earth Day
Earth Day is on its way, and there are a lot of us who are looking to see what we can do in order to celebrate this important day
Earth Day is on its way, and there are a lot of us who are looking to see what we can do in order to celebrate this important day

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, on which events take place worldwide in order to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The first ever Earth Day was celebrated in 1970.

Just in case you are wondering what to do this Earth Day, we have a list of eco-friendly activities that you can take part in and contribute toward environmental protection.

1. Walk or Carpool

If you are in a suitable position where you can actually walk, carpool or ride your bike, then this could be the perfect day to start off. The lesser number of cars we have on the road, the better for our atmosphere.

2. Plant a tree

This might sound like a cliche, but planting trees have, by far, been one of the most important gifts we can give back to the planet and to the environment. A major cause of global warming is the build-up of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere - such as methane and carbon dioxide - which traps the heat on earth. Trees have the ability to inhale carbon dioxide, which is why having more of them is so important. If every person on this planet plants one tree that could make a huge difference. You can plant a tree in your own backyard, or join a group and do the same thing.

3. Clean your closet and donate unused stuff to charity

Manufacturing new clothes require both energy and water, and there are many people who can't afford to buy their own. So this Earth Day you could clean out your overstuffed closet and donate those t-shirts and pants you have not worn in years, to a local charity.

4. Get involved in a community garden

Gardening is a wonderful way to reflect on how much we depend on the earth for sustenance and survival. If you don't have a garden of your own, don't worry, a quick Google search will lead you to at least one community garden or rooftop garden where you can help. Also, this has an advantage as you will get to meet new people who love the planet equally and want to contribute towards its betterment.

5. Spread the word for mother earth 

You can try putting together what is called a pledge board at work, or school, or your place of worship. You can also leave post-it notes on the boards so that people can write down the activities that they pledge to do for their surroundings on Earth Day and throughout the year or so.

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