The time is right to communicate across countries, cultures and class

Communication strategy is the art of communicating information that the company wants to divulge to the public. The information could be related to the launch or marketing of a product or the like
Communication strategy helps to define an organisation’s relationships with its customers
Communication strategy helps to define an organisation’s relationships with its customers

The world is evolving rapidly due to inter-connectivity across cultures and technology-induced digital disruptions. At the heart of changing business environment and labour market transformations is the evolving need for global and strategic communications across high growth and start-up industries. 

The broader convergence is also evident in the evolving needs for global and cross-cultural communications in a digitally enabled world. The changing landscape has led to rapidly evolving opportunities for high paying job growth in strategic leadership and corporate management areas. Professionals in Marketing, Communications, Digital, Media and Public Relations will be well positioned for high salary roles and positions rapid growth industries. The specific job profiles and required qualifications will be as listed:

Global Leadership and Stakeholder Management
Any and all businesses are evolving in a global environment and managers across industries are required to creatively manage corporate growth strategies, brand design for
global partners and consumers. The specific job opportunities will be for Vice-President of Corporate Communication, Chief Communication Officer, CorpCommunicationcation Director, Strategic Communication Manager, Public Relations Manager, Crisis Communication Manager, Negotiations and Merger Specialists.

Global encounters: Preeti has teaching experience with global leading institutions 

Creative/Content Communication
There is a rapid growth of new industries across Digital, Media, Entertainment, Hospitality and Tourism sectors. The prominent job profiles would be for original content developers, creative communication (audio-visual) directors, media and PR content writers (global, national and local platforms) and creative content managers.

Consumer Connect, Brand Management and Marketing Communication
The traditional business vertices of advertising, sales and marketing are merging for all industries. Life cycle connect and consistent communications with consumers are critical. The key job growth area will be for competent professionals and experts for consumer and client connect, insight mining, data collection, storytelling and brand strategy.

Communication strategy involves writing and studying of marketing perspectives to best project the company. One must understand consumer opinions about company and influence purchase decisions — think like a buyer, write like a seller

Digital Platform and Analytics 
Companies such as Google and Facebook are driving the growth of digital and social media research, marketing and communication experts. The professionals aiming for these industries will be able to target social media director, social media strategist, consumer analytics, storytelling expert, digital strategist, senior global and digital strategy team leader positions.

Social Impact/Public Communication 
Around the world, communities are facing challenges of poverty and exclusion. The role of public sector communication and social sector leaders is critical in driving behavioural change across cultures and countries. The most promising public sector jobs will be for Development and Behaviour Change Communication experts who will design creative communication campaigns and implement them for the public sector. 

(The author is the Dean of MICA - School of Idea in Management and Creativity and Chair for Centre for Development Management and Communication. Preeti Shroff has over 25 years of expanding impact with proven design, implementation and management accomplishments in the field of international development management, global leadership, public and private sector partnerships and training programme facilitation.)

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