Teachers Eligibility Qualifications 2024 draft regulations released by NMC

The draft regulations propose consistent eligibility criteria for faculty appointments and promotions in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education
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The National Medical Commission (NMC) released a draft of the Teachers Eligibility Qualifications in Medical Institutions Regulations, 2024 (TEQ 2024) yesterday, January 17. The proposed regulations aim to standardise qualifications and experience for teaching positions in medical colleges across India.

The draft regulations propose consistent eligibility criteria for faculty appointments and promotions in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. This move seeks to enhance the quality of medical education by ensuring teaching faculty possess requisite qualifications and experience, Careers360 reports.

Under the proposed regulations, faculty appointments, including roles such as Deans, Principals, and Medical Superintendents, will have an upper age limit of 70 years.

The draft outlines detailed qualifications for faculty positions, including transitional provisions for subjects facing faculty shortages, such as Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry. The role-specific criteria are as follows:

  • Deans and Directors: Must hold a postgraduate medical degree with 10 years of teaching experience, including five years as a professor.

  • Medical Superintendents: Require similar qualifications and experience in hospital departments.

  • Senior Residents: Defined as tenure positions (up to three years) with specific qualifications and age limits, depending on the speciality

Relaxations are provided to diploma holders and non-teaching medical officers, allowing them to transition into teaching roles, subject to specific experience and training requirements.

According to the official notice, NMC can make any addition, deletion, substitution, or any other amendment to the regulations at any time they want.

The NMC has invited feedback, objections, and suggestions on the draft regulations. Interested stakeholders must submit their inputs via email within seven days of the release of the draft guidelines, after which they will be officially notified in the Gazette of India.

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