Delhi schools asked to follow strict guidelines while flying kites on Republic Day, Basant Panchmi

The education department has given a reference of the circular from the Environment department
Fly away
Fly away(Pic: Express)
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On Makar Sankranti on January 14 and ahead of Republic Day, the directorate of education issued strict guidelines to schools urging them to hold awareness programmes on banning Chinese Manja while flying kites, stated a report by The New Indian Express.

The circular issued by the education department on Tuesday, January 14, stated, "Regarding Awareness in respect of Ban on Sharp Manja received from Director, Department of Environment, all the HoSs of Govt./ Govt. Aided/Private Unaided Recognized Schools under Directorate of Education have been requested to disseminate and generate the awareness on the above information among all the students of their respective school."

The education department has given a reference of the circular from the Environment department, which stated, "It is to inform you that kite flying is popular sport and it catches pace weeks before, during and after the Makar Sakranti, Republic Day and Basant Panchami celebrations falling on 14.01.2025, 26.01,2025 respectively. However, kite flying by using thread made out of plastic, nylon or similar such synthetic material including popularly known -"Chinese thread/ manja-" or any other thread coated with glass/ metallic components causes a lot of injury to human beings and birds which many a times turns out to be fatal. Such deaths and incidents have been seen in the news also during the last few years."

It further read, "Apart from this, such kite flying threads being non-biodegradable also cause harm to the environment. Therefore, in order to prevent the adverse effects on human beings, cattle population, birds, soil and ecology, there shall be complete ban on the sale, production, storage, supply, import, and use of kite flying thread made out of nylon, plastic or any other synthetic material including popularly known as -"Chinese mania-" and any other kite-flying thread that is sharp or made sharp such as by being laced with glass, metal or any other sharp materials in the National Capital Territory of Delhi."

"Kite flying shall be permissible only with a cotton thread, free from any sharp/ metallic/ glass components / adhesives/ thread strengthening materials," it also said.

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