CSIR fellowship of PhD scholars terminated; Research scholars' association urges action
The All India Research Scholars Association (AIRSA) recently highlighted that the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) fellowship of around 200-300 PhD scholars was terminated as they failed to submit annual progress reports to CSIR-Human Resource Development Group (HRDG).
Speaking about the issue, AIRSA General Secretary Bipin Tiwari said that the delay in annual progress report submissions can be due to various unforeseen circumstances.
“Several stakeholders are involved in the process like the department, the research institute, the personal investigator (PI). However, the fellowships of these scholars were terminated without any intimation to any of the stakeholders including the research scholars in a very arbitrary move,” said Tiwari.
After the association wrote to the CSIR Director Dr. N Kalaiselvi to address this issue, the authorities allowed additional time for some of the research scholars to submit their progress reports in order to get the fellowship. However, the association claims that still, several scholars are yet to get another opportunity.
“This is an arbitrary decision. Funding agencies, and authorities need to understand the basic needs of the people. Several students were unable to give their progress reports due to departmental issues, personal issues, and even COVID-19 pandemic. Now, because of this decision, their scientific career is being hindered,” he added.
Several gaps in the research field?
The association also highlighted an inordinate delay in fellowship distribution by various funding agencies for research scholars.
“When it comes to academia, there are several infrastructural issues affecting the research scholars. Despite all the technology, there is often a delay in disbursement of fellowship to the research scholars,” Tiwari told EdexLive
The association further said that many funding agencies are not adhering to recent emolument revisions as per Department of Science and Technology (DST) guidelines.