In order to avoid unhealthy competition among students, the Central Board of Secondary Education has declared that it will not release the merit lists for the Class X and XII exams. The results for these exams were announced today, July 22, making it the first-time ever that the Board has released results for both Board exams on the same day.
According to a report by PTI, Examination Controller Sanyam Bhardwaj said, "As per the earlier decision of the Board, no merit list will be declared to avoid unhealthy competition among students. The Board is also not awarding first, second and third divisions to its students." However, Bharadwaj added that merit certificates will be issued to 0.1% of the students, who have secured the highest marks in each of the subjects.
The number of students from Class XII who scored above 95% stood at 1,34,797 students. In Class X, 64,908 candidates scored above 95% and 2,36,993 scored above 90%, reported PTI.
The CBSE had not released merit certificates for 2020 and 2021 either because the COVID-19 pandemic had prevented the exams from being conducted. The Class X and Class XII final scores for the students had been attained through alternative assessment.
This year, the pass percentage for Class XII was 92.7%, whereas that of Class X was 94.40%. Pass percentage showed a significant hike of 9% from the pre-pandemic era in the Class XII exam, with more candidates scoring between 90-95% than before. In 2019, before the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the pass percentage was recorded at 83.40%, whereas the figures in 2018, 2017 and 2016 stood at 83.01%, 82.02 and 83.05, respectively.