Director General of Police (DGP) Law and Order Ashok Kumar on Sunday launched a 'special grievance cell' for Jammu and Kashmir students and appointed a special nodal officer for addressing issues of Kashmiri students studying in Uttrakhand.
This comes a week after Jammu and Kashmir Students Association's delegation apprised Kumar about various issues of Kashmiri students in the state. In the meeting, the delegation led by Spokesperson of the association Nasir Khuehami shared various issues faced by the students in the state with the DGP and requested the establishment of a special grievance cell which ensures the safety and security of the students.
As per an official statement, Kumar said that Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Mamta Vohra has been designated as a nodal officer for managing the response and redressal of complaints of students belonging to Jammu and Kashmir. The appointment of a nodal officer for Kashmiri students will give them a sense of security and comfort, he said, adding that if there is any apprehension or any misconduct towards them, they should contact Vohra for addressing such issues.
Any student or resident of Jammu and Kashmir in Uttarakhand can contact the nodal officer on mobile number -- 9412029346 or can even reach out on email The number and email will be manned round the clock, the statement read. The complaint can be directly registered if any Jammu and Kashmir student or resident is threatened or harassed in the state. Moreover, Kumar assured of taking all possible steps to ensure the students' safety and said that he had been closely monitoring the situation.