MHRD making false claims, didn't consider suggestions of any association for NEP: AIFUCTO

Not a single recognised teachers' organisations, student organisation or employees organisation was consulted for discussions, the organisation said 
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Ever since the New Education Policy was announced it received a lot of flak from various educational groups and activists. However, the HRD Ministry did invite feedback and promised to take all the arguments and suggestions into consideration. A few days ago, HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal said that they had, in fact, incorporated many ideas and suggestions from lakhs of people across the country in the NEP. But the All India Federation of University and College Teachers' Association is not buying this statement.

The General Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar of the AIFUCTO said that the claim by the Minister is not completely true, "On behalf of AIFUCTO, I want to make it very clear that the claim of the Minister that the NEP was the outcome of wide consultations is not based on our estimation. Inspite of repeated requests, presentation of our memorandum and appeal, the request of AIFUCTO for discussion was never considered." 

He also said in a statement that many other such stakeholders also haven't  managed to get a word in and have been 'ignored', "Not a single recognised teachers' organisation, student organisation or employees organisation or any other was consulted for discussions. In our opinion the proposed NEP is undemocratic in character and exclusions in its manifestation."Arun said. 

Accusing the NEP of playing to a corporate agenda to dismantle public education, the General Secretary said, "The proposed policy is negation of our cherished constitutional values of a democratic, secular, scientific and inclusive education.This is an extension of neo liberal and corporate agenda to dismantle our public funded education system detrimental to the interest of marginalized section of society," he said. 

The activist also criticised the Minister's advice to adapt to online exams as being elitist, "The Minister's emphasis on online system of teaching and research as well as examination system further will be platform for elitist education structure. AIFUCTO has drawn the MHRD Minister's attention towards the retrograde nature of the proposed NEP. In this crucial phase of COVID-19, the step of the MHRD to implement NEP is not only unconstitutional but it is against the marginalised and poor people of the nation."

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