IIIT Hyderabad Administrative Officer K Mohanakrishna Chowdary has surrendered security officer R Arjun Naik to the Police Department after receiving many complaints against him from security personnel working on the campus.
Arjun Naik, an officer of Circle Inspector rank, was posted as the security officer of IIIT on March 3, 2019. About 180 security personnel, including 30 women, are working in IIIT. They work in three shifts a day. Some women security personnel complained to the Administrative Officer that Arjun Naik was misbehaving and harassing them. Moreover, the security officer installed the biometric machine at his residence and forced all the security personnel to go his residence to register their attendance. Earlier, the biometric machine was in the academic block. The men and women security personnel met the Administrative Officer separately and complained against the 'adamant behaviour' of Arjun Naik.
During the inquiry into the allegations against him, the Administrative Officer found the biometric machine at the residence of Arjun Naik, which was supposed to be in the academic block. After removing the biometric machine from the house of Arjun Naik, it was installed at a place which is convenient to the security personnel and a faculty member was appointed to oversee the marking of attendance. The Administrative Officer wrote a letter to district Superintendent of Police KKN Anburajan on Wednesday surrendering security officer Arjun Naik to the department.